A Note for the Grand Central Food Program

By Juan De La Cruz, Program Manager, Grand Central Food Program

The Coalition’s Grand Central Food Program is out every night of the year handing out 1,000 warm, nutritious meals to homeless men, women and kids on the streets of NYC. We believe no one should have to go to bed hungry in our city, even if they don’t have a bed of their own. Our staff and amazing volunteers always try to be a friendly face to everyone we serve, so it’s incredibly rewarding to get messages like the one below that greeted us this morning:

Every evening myself and 50 other men from the Bellevue shelter on east 30th st await your van that arrives on time to hand out food to us. I cannot express how thankful we are. The shelter food consist of a small portion that leaves us yearning for more. Your meals are very generous and leave us content for the evening. Your volunteers are always cheerful and treat us with respect and dignity. I sincerely thank each and every one in your organization.


Watch this video to learn more about our Grand Central Food Program:

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